What do people respond to in your marketing?
These days, personal trainers can’t afford weak marketing. It costs us client leads and sales. It’s like trying to survive drought with a hole in your bucket.
But it’s hard to know exactly what to focus on fixing. So I’ve put together this quick, self-guided questionnaire to help you.
Do any of these 5 statements sound like you?
If so, keep reading to see what you need to do to pinpoint (and fix) the weak spots in your marketing:
1. When someone asks me what I do, I either ramble or say, ‘it’s complicated.’
YOU NEED: A Sales/Elevator Pitch
WHAT IT IS: A concise statement that clearly explains what you offer
WHY YOU NEED IT: We’re all inundated with information all day. We ignore almost everything -- unless it’s something that could help us. A great sales pitch breaks through the noise by succinctly explaining how your online personal training service solves a specific problem that your ideal client has.
2. My website doesn’t bring in the leads or sales it needs to.
YOU NEED: Website Frames
WHAT IT IS: A structured way to layout your website in a way that is focused and uncomplicated
WHY YOU NEED IT: Most websites don’t work as well as they should. They’re beautifully designed but don’t impact sales. Or they’re cluttered with too much irrelevant information. With a specific website frame, you can get the right words in the right places so your website grows your career.
3. I don’t have a defined way to turn my website visitors into leads.
YOU NEED: An Opt-in
WHAT IT IS: A piece of valuable content you give away to clients in exchange for their email address.
WHY YOU NEED IT: If clients come to your website but aren’t ready to buy, you need a way to stay in touch with them. Offer to email your clients free, valuable content. It can be a simple PDF or a produced video series. Just show you have the expertise to solve their problem -- and make sure you capture that all-important email address!
4. Nobody really opens my emails.
YOU NEED: A Nurturing Email Campaign
WHAT IT IS: An ongoing email campaign series that delivers value to your clients and builds your relationship over time. It’s easier than you think.
WHY YOU NEED IT: Most clients won’t buy right away. Why? Because we only buy from people we trust, and trust takes time. With a nurture campaign, you can email clients helpful, clickable content so your personal training service is top of mind when they’re finally ready to purchase.
5. My sales aren’t where they should be.
YOU NEED: A Sales Email Campaign
WHAT IT IS: A focused set of persuasive emails that help you close the deal.
WHY YOU NEED IT: Most clients will just put off a decision -- unless you give them a choice to either accept or reject it. That’s the idea behind a sales email campaign. Plus, it’s your chance to share the full story of how your personal training service solves your ideal client's problem.
There you have it -- the five key ways to fix your marketing and grow your online personal training career.
A lot of online personal trainers have trouble explaining what they offer. They’re afraid to narrow down their audience because they think they’ll lose clients.
So, I've created a three-step sales pitch framework to help online personal trainers grow their business by clarifying their marketing message. When they do, clients engage.
It’s the fastest way to confidently build a sustainable online career.
I'm inviting you to a live coaching event on Wednesday 15th of December 10th at 6:30 pm AEST to show you how to create an irresistible offer by making your clients the HERO.
After the 90minute live stream, you'll know exactly what you need to do to attract more clients without spending money on ads.
It won't even feel like selling.