Protect The Asset E17 - Carlos Fernandez: From a place of passion.
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Protect The Asset E17 - Carlos Fernandez: From a place of passion.

My guest today is Carlos Fernandez.

Now I came across Carlos's Instagram account as we have very similar interest in training.

I checked out his profile. I visited his website, and I signed up to his newsletter just out of interest.

That's when I realized that Carlos has only been in the online personal training space for less than a year, and yet he's got a very professional and mature attitude to business, and he's a long way ahead of most personal trainers who are trying to build an online business.

I was curious to connect with Carlos and hear more about his story.

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Protect The Asset E15 - Jules Burgemeestre: Finding the right audience to digest what I'm presenting.
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Protect The Asset E15 - Jules Burgemeestre: Finding the right audience to digest what I'm presenting.

My guest on today's show is Jules Burgemeestr.

Jules is a personal trainer based in Melbourne. And over the years, he's built a reputation as an injury rehabilitation specialist. He also trains a number of athletes and he works with a lot of coaches as a coaching mentor.

I first met Jules on an camp in Thailand back in 2015 and for a big guy, he moves really.

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Protect The Asset E14 - Lucas Aaron: Just as much as an entrepreneur as I am a coach.
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Protect The Asset E14 - Lucas Aaron: Just as much as an entrepreneur as I am a coach.

Today on the podcast. I'm very excited to be chatting with Lucas. Aaron, who is the creator of the ranger strength program.

Lucas has been a personal trainer since 2005, and he has an exciting story to share. At a young age, he played sports until he injured his knee. And that's when he discovered the gym and started doing strength training.

He was a competitive power lifter for several years before he suffered a bicep injury. It sounds like this was a tough time for Lucas, as he struggled to find his purpose and direction in life.

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Protect The Asset E13 - Mike Lee - Everything in  moderation ultimately leads to better progress
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Protect The Asset E13 - Mike Lee - Everything in moderation ultimately leads to better progress

My guest today is Mike Lee. Mike is a personal trainer and an educator who's been working in the fitness industry for 11 years. In that time, he's been a face to face personal trainer, a CrossFit gym coach, a mentor to new coaches, a CrossFit gym manager, and owner, and an online coach and educator.

But the story behind this journey is fascinating.

Mike was in his early twenties when he fractured his back, he put it down to over training overworking and not making enough time for recovery.

The doctors told Mike he would never deadlift squat or Olympic lift again, but Mike, wasn't happy with that answer.

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Protect The Asset E12 - Jason Ahipene - Creating the capacity to do the things you love.
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Protect The Asset E12 - Jason Ahipene - Creating the capacity to do the things you love.

My guest this week is Jason Ahipene Jason is the head gymnastics strength and mobility coach at movement co in Perth, Western Australia.

We speak about Jason’s transition into personal training, the long hours, the low pay and the grind. We also talk about the launch of movement Co and some of the valuable lessons Jason and his colleagues learned as the gym business started to grow.

Jase is certainly a passionate coach who loves the analytical side of coaching. He's all about the details, finding the next challenge and learning new skills. And boy, does he have some skills, an inspiration to all of us in our forties.

He'll love me saying that.

Anyway. It's nice to finally connect with Jason and hear more about his story.

So I hope you enjoy this episode with Jason. Ahipene

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What's your story and why's it important?
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What's your story and why's it important?

A lot of personal trainers have a story to share.

One of those stories is why you decided to become a personal trainer.

Did you have a passion for sport, a personal health struggle, an injury, or maybe someone you cared about was snuggling with their health and wanted to help them? There are many different reasons we choose to become personal trainers, and it's nice to know the why behind what you do.

But should you share your story, and if so, how?

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Protect The Asset E11 - Martin Sully - Building A Reputable  Brand
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Protect The Asset E11 - Martin Sully - Building A Reputable Brand

A slightly different show today instead of talking to a personal trainer or a coach. My guest today is Martin Sully, a brand strategist and owner of snapper studios. So Martin is empowering thoughtful brands with strategy and design. So branding is a lot more than meets the eye. We often think of our logo.

Our images and maybe our colour palette as the elements that make up our brand. But the visual aspects of branding are only at the surface level. So in today's episode, Martin and I talk about how your business, vision values and goals impact your brand. We talk about the importance of knowing the why behind what your business stands for.

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What behaviours drive your personal training biz?
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What behaviours drive your personal training biz?

In the last post, I wrote about why business values are important and how they can help you grow your coaching business. But, I ended the post by saying, I don't believe core business values in and of themselves will not transform your coaching business because:

  • They're too vague and meaningless.

  • They are cliche and not authentic.

  • No one is held accountable.

So what is the alternative?

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Protect The Asset E10 - Ashley Jones - Living life at a lower vibration
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Protect The Asset E10 - Ashley Jones - Living life at a lower vibration

My guest today is the founder and co-owner of @chargecrossfit in Melbourne. Ashley Jones (uncommon__strength).

Ash has owned Charge CrossFit for over a decade. And he's definitely learned a lot in the process. 18 months into the business, the partnership broke down and Ash nearly went bankrupt. Ash was injured and burnt out at the time, and his work-life balance was skewed heavily towards work.

But he made the call not to close the gym and to try to turn things around.

Ash and I discussed business partnerships, the challenge of running a business, becoming a team leader and investing in mentors and business coaches.

Full credit to Ash and his wife, Renee, who managed to turn their business around and build an incredible gym community in Melbourne.

A few years back Ash and Renee made the call to leave Melbourne and move to the beach town of Noosa. Together they've set up a new life at a much slower vibration than the city life they've left behind.

Ash still manages the business side of CrossFit charge from Noosa, but he also runs personal training sessions from his home gym and he teaches some classes at one of the local gyms.

This lifestyle change has given Ash more freedom, energy, and time to do the things he loves, like go surfing.

It's been challenging and Ash has jumped off a lot of cliffs to get where he is today.

I really enjoyed catching up with Ash and learning more about his story. Although we've known each other for a while, we've not had the chance to sit down and have a conversation like this.

So I hope you enjoy this conversation.

Let's get stuck in.

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Do personal trainers need core business values?
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Do personal trainers need core business values?

A question that I’ve been pondering lately:

Do personal trainers need core business values?

If you Google "core values of personal trainers", you'll see things like honesty, integrity, teamwork, fun, dedication, passion, blah blah blah...

These are obvious values that aren't very useful when it comes to building a successful coaching business.

  • They're too vague and meaningless.

  • They're cliche and not authentic.

  • They fail to hold anyone accountable.

Why do you need core business values?

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