How to increase forward fold flexibility?
Forward fold flexibility is pretty much the same as core compression strength. We’re trying to close the angle between the torso and the legs. But instead of focusing on the anterior chain strength, we’re talking about the posterior chain length.
Forward fold flexibility is about stretching the posterior chain muscles - soles of the feet, calves, hamstrings, glutes, back, and even neck muscles.
Most adults find it hard to touch their toes. Bringing your nose to your shins often seems like an impossible feat.
This is where choosing the correct progressions is critical to your success.

How to increase Core Compression Strength
When we talk about core compression strength we often think of movements such as seated leg lifts or hanging toes-to-bar. Both are core compression exercises, but they’re not the best starting place for building core compression strength.
So where do start?

How to start training core compression strength.
If you're an adult gymnastics skills seeker that wants to improve movements like L-sits, toes-to-bar, skin the cats, pistol squats, press the handstand and overall gymnastic skills, then core compression strength is going to be essential.
The good news is you're in the right place now.