Are you craving a different kind of personal training career?
The lethargic feeling most of us have felt throughout 2021 is actually a gift.
It's showing us that our personal training career, as we know it, isn't working.
I say it's a gift because before the world shut down, we were all so busy and distracted we didn't realise how much of an impact our career was having on us.
We were stressed, tired and close to burnout.
So what's missing? Or, a personal training career supposed to feel like this?
When I first launched Protect The Asset, it started as a health coaching program for burnt-out personal trainers. But, every personal trainer I was coaching seemed to have precisely the same problem - feeling stressed, stuck, and overwhelmed in their career.
I'm constantly chasing more client's
I feel like I don't have enough knowledge/experience
I need to earn more, which mean I need to work more
I’m always striving to be better
I fall into the trap of comparing myself to others
I'm overwhelmed with a never-ending todo list
... no matter how seductive it may be to our ego, none of it leave you feeling content or in a state of joy.
Is it just me, or are you craving a different kind of personal training career?
The burnt-out personal trainers who invested in Protect The Asset (when it was a health coaching program) were all craving a different kind of career. This was when I decided to pivot my niche and take Protect The Asset to the next level - A Career Coaching Framework for personal trainers who want to build a sustainable career that gives them more freedom in their life.
What if the secret to success and career fulfillment in 2022 is actually... LESS?
Less stress
Less overwhelm
Less complexity
Less saying "yes" to the things you don't really want to do
Less clutter (physical, mental and emotional)
Less burnout
Less exhaustion
Are you with me?
Creating an exciting, productive, and joyful career may sound like a dream. But there's a guaranteed solution to make it your reality in 2022.
The missing ingredients for a lot of personal trainers are purpose and priorities.
A long time ago, I learned about the work of Viktor Frankl, a pioneering psychologist. He discovered that purpose is what humans crave most in life.
Understanding your why by knowing your purpose, visions, values and goals is essential to your success and fulfillment. We don't learn this in our personal training certification; knowing your why is vital when it comes to building a sustainable career.
Who are you as a coach?
What are your values?
Who are the clients you enjoy training?
Where do you see your career in 12-months, 3years and 5years from now?
What are your career vision and goals for 2022?
These are some of the questions you need to have answers to.
Making time to work ON your personal training career is just as important, if not more important, than working IN your career. Being a successful entrepreneur (which is what you are) requires you to work on YOU!
Once you've clearly defined your career purpose and a set of visions and goals that align, you'll start to feel more confident in your career path.
Vision and purpose give us a sense of direction and allow us to prioritise our tasks.
Many personal trainers fail to see career growth because they don't define their priorities and set clear boundaries.
I get it. After working in the health and fitness industry since 2010, I've seen far too many personal trainers working themselves into the ground and failing to prioritise their health and happiness.
I was one of them.
In our haste to help others, we often ignore the obvious - to be successful, we need to take care of ourselves first.
We must Protect The Asset.
We need to practise what we preach and set a good example for our clients and colleagues. We are a product of our product, and we need to be setting a good example.
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Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
To do this, we need to set clear boundaries that allow time for work, training, rest, recovery, family, relationships, adventure, and more.
To become a successful entrepreneur, you need to manage your time effectively. There are so many distractions and demands made on us in the modern world, and most personal trainers feel like they never have enough time to do it all.
But how much of what you do daily, both personally and professionally, is absolutely necessary?
What activities are you currently spending time on that could either be eliminated, cut back, or removed?
If you're like me, you have an endless to-do list. There is always more we could be doing to grow our careers.
But, it's not about doing more. It's about doing less but better.
When we learn to priorities our tasks, we start to get shit done. The right shit, the shit that moves us closer to our purpose and our career dreams.
Are you moving closer to your purpose, visions and goals?
Are you doing the work that needs to be done, or are you being distracted by unnecessary tasks
It's far too easy to busy. It's a lot harder to be productive.
What's going to be different in 2022? How will you choose to invest your energy, time and money to start working on your career growth?
As entrepreneurs, we're in the drives seat, and it's up to us to take control of our careers.