Boost Your Midlife Mojo: The Essential Guide to Zinc and Copper
Zinc is a key player in your body's health. It's not just about avoiding those early aging symptoms. It's about feeling strong, energised, and ready to take on whatever life throws your way.
Zinc is like a superhero for your body. It helps with:
💪 Building and repairing tissues: Think of it as the bodybuilder's secret weapon.
💪 Boosting your immune system: Your body's defense squad needs zinc to fight off invaders.
💪 Supporting brain function: Need to stay sharp? Zinc can help with that.
💪 Helping with taste and smell: Enjoy your food more with enough zinc.
💪 Balancing hormones: Keeps your body's chemistry in check.
Zinc and Your Midlife Mojo
You might be wondering, "Why is zinc so important for men?" Besides its general health benefits, zinc plays a crucial role in…

Nutrition Hacks for Busy Midlife Men
n the hustle and bustle of midlife, finding time to prioritise nutrition can be challenging. However, by focusing on nutrient-dense foods, busy midlife men can fuel their bodies with the essential nutrients needed to thrive amidst hectic schedules.
In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of nutrient density and highlight the top 10 most nutrient-dense foods to incorporate into your diet.

Unlock Peak Wellness in Midlife with 5 Key Reasons to Boost Your Protein Intake
It's scary how many people in their midlife think they should eat less protein. But the truth is we should be eating more.
When working with health coaching clients, one of the first questions I often get is, “Where should I start with my diet so I can feel better, have more energy and keep up with my kids?"
The answer to that question is protein.
As we age, protein becomes even more valuable because it plays a crucial role in our health and longevity.

Does food timing matter? Why eating more calories at night increases body fat.
Personal training constantly debate the idea that "a calorie is a calorie" and you need to "eat less to lose weight." Many people still believe that the only way to lose weight is to "eat less and move more."
But what if there was more than one way to lose weight?
What if you didn't need to cut calories and eat less?

A simple client tip to reduce inflammation and improve gut health.
Personal trainers are always looking for quick and effective tips to share with their clients. Tips on exercise performance, enhanced recovery, improved sleep, digestive health, nutrient intake, and stress levels are all beneficial for our overall training results and our healthspan.
So, here is a simple, effective, safe, cheap and easily accessible nutrition tip that clients can use to lower inflammation and improve digestive health.