Protect The Asset E16 - Pradeep Bala: The mentality of empowering clients as much as possible.
My guest today is Pradeep Bala Pradeep has an exceptionally ambitious corporate career. He also competes as a drug free natural body builder, and he's built a very successful online personal training business. Pradeep is a very goal driven person who wants to empower busy corporate high flyers to take ownership of their health.
I was blown away by the level of empathy that PR deep has for his clients. He goes above and beyond to support and guide busy corporate for. He goes above. I was blown away by the level of empathy that Pradeep has for his clients. He goes above and beyond to support and guide busy corporate professionals on a sustainable health journey.
Pradeep has done an outstanding job of finding his niche, understanding their pain points, being able to meet the clients where they are at and empowering his clients to take ownership of their. As a busy high flying professional himself, Pradeep openly shares his journey, his struggles, training tips, nutrition tips, and so much more on his Instagram account @progresswithPB.

Protect The Asset E12 - Jason Ahipene - Creating the capacity to do the things you love.
My guest this week is Jason Ahipene Jason is the head gymnastics strength and mobility coach at movement co in Perth, Western Australia.
We speak about Jason’s transition into personal training, the long hours, the low pay and the grind. We also talk about the launch of movement Co and some of the valuable lessons Jason and his colleagues learned as the gym business started to grow.
Jase is certainly a passionate coach who loves the analytical side of coaching. He's all about the details, finding the next challenge and learning new skills. And boy, does he have some skills, an inspiration to all of us in our forties.
He'll love me saying that.
Anyway. It's nice to finally connect with Jason and hear more about his story.
So I hope you enjoy this episode with Jason. Ahipene

What's your story and why's it important?
A lot of personal trainers have a story to share.
One of those stories is why you decided to become a personal trainer.
Did you have a passion for sport, a personal health struggle, an injury, or maybe someone you cared about was snuggling with their health and wanted to help them? There are many different reasons we choose to become personal trainers, and it's nice to know the why behind what you do.
But should you share your story, and if so, how?

Protect The Asset E10 - Ashley Jones - Living life at a lower vibration
My guest today is the founder and co-owner of @chargecrossfit in Melbourne. Ashley Jones (uncommon__strength).
Ash has owned Charge CrossFit for over a decade. And he's definitely learned a lot in the process. 18 months into the business, the partnership broke down and Ash nearly went bankrupt. Ash was injured and burnt out at the time, and his work-life balance was skewed heavily towards work.
But he made the call not to close the gym and to try to turn things around.
Ash and I discussed business partnerships, the challenge of running a business, becoming a team leader and investing in mentors and business coaches.
Full credit to Ash and his wife, Renee, who managed to turn their business around and build an incredible gym community in Melbourne.
A few years back Ash and Renee made the call to leave Melbourne and move to the beach town of Noosa. Together they've set up a new life at a much slower vibration than the city life they've left behind.
Ash still manages the business side of CrossFit charge from Noosa, but he also runs personal training sessions from his home gym and he teaches some classes at one of the local gyms.
This lifestyle change has given Ash more freedom, energy, and time to do the things he loves, like go surfing.
It's been challenging and Ash has jumped off a lot of cliffs to get where he is today.
I really enjoyed catching up with Ash and learning more about his story. Although we've known each other for a while, we've not had the chance to sit down and have a conversation like this.
So I hope you enjoy this conversation.
Let's get stuck in.

Protect The Asset E9 - Amy Bowe - Be True To You & Have Confidence In Your Story.
My guest today is Amy Bowe, owner and creator of warrior school, which teaches women how to train, to build strength and feel confident in their bodies.
Amy has been in the personal training and coaching game for 14 years. She has a wealth of experience and knowledge to share, and I really enjoyed our conversation.
I love Amy's confidence around who she is, what she does, who she serves and what her role is as a coach.
Amy shares her insights into building a business that stays true to her values and beliefs while also meeting her clients where they are at.
Not only does Amy have a super clear client niche, but there are certain prerequisites to joining warrior school and she's not afraid to say no to clients that are not a good fit for her program or who are not ready to start the program just yet.
She puts the best interests of their clients first and her super high standards and attention to quality has allowed her to build an online business that suits her lifestyle and pays her well.
I hope you're ready for a kick-ass episode.