One small behaviour change that can lead to a healthy community
There is no excuse why we can not eat a healthy diet. Healthy eating is easier than ever. That’s because we know so much more about what a healthy diet looks like than we ever have before. Choosing healthy seasonal foods based on sound science remains the best-known way to reduce your chances of developing cardiovascular diseases and autoimmune diseases. A sustainable diet is possibly the single most crucial factor that determines your health and longevity.

The courage to take advice
Advice is a funny old thing, many of us are happy to give it, not so many of us like to act upon it. There are those of us who overindulge on advice-receiving; somehow, they are rewarded by the process of reviving advice, but they also feel they need more before even considering acting on any of it. Rather than following good advice and work towards their goals, they make the act of receiving advice the goal. But when did validation produce results? At some point in time, we all need to start putting the advice into action to be successful.