
5 Root Causes Of Midlife Gut Issues That Your Doctor Won't Know

5 Root Causes Of Midlife Gut Issues That Your Doctor Won't Know

Your gut health is linked to your overall health.  This makes sense because every cell in your body needs vital nutrients to survive and thrive.  Your gut’s ability to digest and absorb this critical nutrient is essential to your health and well-being. 

Constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, gas, abdominal pain, fatigue, skin irritations, vomiting, and sugar cravings are all signs that your gut isn't functioning as it should.

The Hidden Story Behind Blood Test Results

The Hidden Story Behind Blood Test Results

A lot of people in their midlife get regular “health checks” and are often told that their blood work is “normal” and they’ve nothing to worry about.

However, people who feel “unwell” will appear “normal” when their results are compared to the conventional medicine blood reference ranges.

There is a big problem with normal….

Why health and fitness goals often fail to deliver results?

Why health and fitness goals often fail to deliver results?

“What are your health and fitness goals?” It’s a common question asked by many health and fitness professionals all over the world. It seems like an easy question to answer, and most clients will rattle off how many kilograms they want to lose, what dress/pant size they want to fit into, what they want their blood sugar numbers to be, or how much they want to deadlift, squat and bench press.

Unfortunately “outcome goals” like these can sabotage our clients progress. Why? Outcome goals often focus on the things that are out of our control while, simultaneously, distracting us from the things that we can control. We have control over our daily behaviours and if we can change our behaviours, we can change our lives (what a great business motto).

What does the NBA and British Cycling have to do with your Performance & Focus?

What does the NBA and British Cycling have to do with your Performance & Focus?

“The people who I see being successful, the doers. They get shit done” ~ Sir Dave Brailsford

I'm not too fond of bio-hacking as I don’t believe we can shortcut high-level performance and optimal health. Our daily routine must be structured to support our health and our environment. Only by nourishing the 5-Pillars of Sustainable Health can we start to create habits that improve our quality of life, focus and productivity. Consistency is the key to success and far more rewarding than any bio-hack. It's not the success that determines your lifestyle but your lifestyle that determines your success. For high performers, every 1% adds up.

Importance of Healthy & Injury Resistant Shoulders

Importance of Healthy & Injury Resistant Shoulders

Shoulder health is one of the top priorities in our ID strength and mobility programmes and building a strong and stable shoulder is essential to structural balance for posture and performance.

One of the most common injuries functional fitness athletes experience is a shoulder injury. Great demands of shoulder strength and mobility are often required to effectively and safely perform movements like pull-ups, muscle-ups, handstand, snatch, cleans, jerks, push-ups, bench press, and more.

Why 1% self-improvement can make a big difference?

Why 1% self-improvement can make a big difference?

It’s so easy to overestimate the importance of our goals and underestimate the value of our daily actions.   Instant gratification somehow convinces us that accomplishing enormous success requires enormous actions.  If we need to lose weight, build a business, write a book, learn a language, win a competition, or achieve any of our goals, we often jump the gun and aim to win the race with no idea how to get out of the blocks effectively and run with the most efficient technique.  We just go for it, it’s an all or nothing approach these days!

When The Drugs Don't Work...

When The Drugs Don't Work...

Lead singer of the Verve,  Richard Ashcroft sung it well; “when the drugs don’t work, they just make your worse.”  Was he singing about the current healthcare system being ineffective? Dose Richard know that it’s not actually healthcare, and a better description of the current medical system in westernised countries would be “disease management.” 

Nonviolent Communication for a Stressful Situation

Nonviolent Communication for a Stressful Situation

Stress is becoming more of a concern in our modern lifestyle. Many of us work in a stressful environment and find ourselves vulnerable to sleep disorders, feeling overworked, anxiety, frustration, and even depression, just to name a few. Can we change our perception of stress and turn a negative emotion into a more positive experience?

On sustainability

On sustainability

I'm going to get straight to the point I was going to make at the end: sustainability is a lifestyle. It's not about embracing a diet, a training programme or a mindset for a month. It's about making a choice to be healthy to approach the future with energy and vitality, making small manageable adjustments in the right direction. We are not going to stop global warming in one day. One day is not enough, nor is a year, nor ten: sustainability for the environment implies consistency of effort. We are not different. It's about the habit of making better daily choices, not about being seeking perfection and giving up on it blaming unattainability. Perfection is not sustainable, it doesn't fit our lifestyle. Managing stress for mental serenity, eating thoughtfully, moving playfully and sleeping deeply are all factors that can add to our base of health to improve all aspects of life.