What is remote coaching and why do you need it?

Lately, the fitness community has had a growing embrace for remote coaching and individual program design. Remote Coaching refers to any coaching interaction that doesn’t take place face-to-face, though where possible it starts with a meeting in person to build rapport. Remote Coaching can include video coaching, phone coaching, email exchanges and any mentoring managed through technology, including state of the art online applications. For people who travel a lot and/or have a changeable and demanding work schedule, having a face-to-face Personal Trainer or class-based gym membership simply doesn’t make practical sense, whereas Remote Coaching can offer the following benefits:


  1. Convenience: Remote coaching can easily fit in with the busiest working lifestyle. Clients can access remote coaching wherever they happen to be in the world, and at whatever time of day it suits them

  2. Greater global choice: Clients are not restricted in their choice of a coach by geographical location. Our goal at TSTM is to have highly skilled coaches based all around the world, therefore giving clients access to the best coaches for their individual goals and desires.

  3. Dedicated coach: Coaches who are passionate about what they do. Coaches who thrive off seeing their clients achieving more. Coaches who have a sense of contribution because they are working directly with clients, writing individualised programs, providing nutrition, recovery and lifestyle guidance. Coaches who offer serious value to the clients and are not just motivational monkeys who read a workout from a whiteboard.

  4. Time efficient: Sessions can be designed to suit your individual schedule and can either be short or long depending on your training window from day-to-day, week-to-week, or even from months to years.

  5. Cost effective: No need to pay a Personal Trainer to count your reps by the hour. Invest in a program that suits your goals, find a local gym that has what you need, build a home gym, or even train outside. No more expensive gym memberships, personal training fees or missing classes because they’re already fully booked.

  6. Faster results: Sessions are designed around your individual goals and ability. Today's technology allows for detailed programme design with added movement videos. With smart phones and online coaching tools, clients can quickly submit videos for remote coaches to view and critique. Some clients say that they find remote coaching even more powerful than face-to-face coaching because there are fewer distractions.

The fitness market is rapidly changing and remote coaching is a unique service offering that is going to deliver both the flexibility and the results that many of us are looking for.

If you would like to find out more about Remote Coaching options send us an e-mail


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