Mobility Awarness: Current Lower Body Classes

Equipment needed: 1-2 yoga blocks, something soft to support the knee such as a folded towel, mat or cushion. And you will need either a wall, chair, box, bench or stick for balance.

Equipment needed: 1-2 yoga blocks, something soft to support the knee such as a folded towel, mat or cushion. And you will need either a wall, chair, box, bench or stick for balance.

NEW - Hip Internal Rotation & extension class - 71mins

This class combines both hip internal rotation biased in hip extension which opens up more joint space specific to the hip extension (hip flexors) work that follows making this an effective class in opening up those areas. You will:

  • develop hip joint space allowing for more overall freedom of movement

  • Improve hip extension for a better quality of movement such as squatting, deadlifting, jumping, running

  • Increase lower back/ pelvic mobility and reduce lower back tightness