Stretch Training

Ditch the Cardio Obsession: Why Strength Training is Your Midlife Must-Do

Ditch the Cardio Obsession: Why Strength Training is Your Midlife Must-Do

Let's face it, fellas. Midlife hits, and the whole "fitness thing" can feel like a confusing mess.

Cardio or weights?

Long, boring runs or pump sessions at the gym?

Here's the truth: both cardio and strength training have their benefits. But when it comes to building a stronger, healthier YOU in your midlife years, strength training takes the gold.

Stretch NOV 22 Training VLOG: Pike Flexibility, Press Handstand & Handstand Push-ups

Stretch NOV 22 Training VLOG: Pike Flexibility, Press Handstand & Handstand Push-ups

It's the start of November 2022, and I'm just about to start a new Gymnastics Strength (GST) phase in my training. At the same time, I'm also starting a new mobility phase.

I plan to mix things up in my training and aim for three long sessions combining flexibility and GST and one shorter session focused on flexibility.