How to start training pike flexibility
Over the last 18 months, I've been working to increase my flexibility.
As an adult, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that we'll never be flexible.
"Either you're born with it, or you're not."
"I'm too old to start training flexibility."
I get it.
After years of training and competing in endurance sports and then doing CrossFit, I never thought of myself as someone who could be flexible.
Increasing flexibility is like building strength; it takes time and consistency and I believe it's never too late to increase flexibility
With that said, let's get back to the point of this post and talk about how to start training pike flexibility.

How to start training Pancake Flexibility
Are you a gymnastics skill seeker who wants to accomplish a chest-to-floor pancake?
When you sit on the floor to perform your pancake stretches, do you maintain a flat back, or do you round your back?
Do you need to maintain a flat back when training the pancake?
It's a fair assumption. We're often told to "maintain a flat back" in other hip-hinging movements such as deadlifts and good mornings.
"If you round you're back, you'll get injured".
Is that so?
I believe the fitness industry has taken the whole neutral spine idea too far.
Let's face it, real life and sport are not ridged and straight. We don't move through life with a neutral spine.
It's not very "functional" to only train with a neutral spine.

How to increase flexibility as an adult.
I never thought I'd be able to do a chest-to-floor pancake or hold a gymnastics bridge.
I've spent most of my adult life training for strength and fitness.
I never dedicated much time to stretching. I always made the excuse that I wasn't a flexible persona, and as long as I was doing full range of motion in my strength training, I had all the flexibility I needed to be "functional". Right?
What changed?

Building Straight-Arm Scapular Strength Part 1: Awareness
I thought I was strong when I first started Gymnastics Strength Training (GST). I'd been lifting weights in the gym for years and increasing my squat, deadlift, chin-up, overhead press and bench numbers.
But it didn't prepare me for GST, especially Straight-Arm Scapular Strength (SASS) movements.
I couldn't hold a Tuck Planche.
I couldn't Skin The Cat or hold a Back or Front Lever.
I couldn't hold a Handstand.
I was strong. But what was I missing?