Unlocking Vitality: Five Truths About Supplements for Midlife Health
You've probably heard the spiel before: "Supplements are just a waste of money," they say, echoing from news sources or the mouths of misinformed doctors.
It's no shocker, really. Most doctors are pretty clueless when it comes to nutrition. They've barely scratched the surface during their time in medical school.
Sure, there are a few exceptions—those docs who take it upon themselves to dive deeper into the world of nutrition. Functional medicine practitioners, for instance, are leading the charge in this regard.
But let's face it: mainstream nutrition advice often misses the mark, leaving folks like you and me scratching our heads, especially when it comes to the role of supplements.
Now, if you're here reading this blog, chances are you've seen through the anti-supplement hoopla spread by the media. You've probably even experienced firsthand the positive impact supplements can have on your overall well-being.
So give yourself a pat on the back for taking charge of your health and vitality. You're onto something big.
Why Take Supplements?
In a previous post, I discussed five root causes of midlife gut issues that your doctor won't know. These five issues are closely related to why we also need to add supplements to our diet.
1. Our Food Supply Is Lacking
Let's be real, the apples you find in today's supermarket don't have anywhere near the nutrients to the ones your great-grandparents enjoyed.
Nowadays, the soil is drowning in chemical fertilisers.
Sure, they make things grow faster, but the end result? Food that's seriously lacking in nutrients and antioxidants.
Fruits and veggies pull their goodness from the soil as they grow, but modern fertilisers mainly throw in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. What about the other essential nutrients our bodies crave for optimal health and performance?
Our great-grandparents used natural compost made from animal manure and decomposed food waste. This mix was a powerhouse of probiotics, trace minerals, and vital nutrients.
The outcome?
Food that was not only more nutrient-packed but tasted a million times better.
Unfortunately, the more we rely on synthetic fertilisers, the less nutritious our crops become.
Getting enough nutrients from our diets alone is becoming a real challenge.
Sure, some farmers are shifting back to regenerative agriculture, but we've got a long road ahead to restore the richness of our soils.
So, the smart move?
Support those regenerative farmers whenever and wherever you can. It's a step in the right direction for you and the planet.
But until a full-blown agricultural revolution, your health, happiness, and longevity will thank you for adding supplements to your diet.
2. Holistic Eating Has Been Replaced
Current dietary trends and rigid eating practices often push us towards unnecessary restrictions.
Think back to the low-fat craze—it's now being replaced by new fads and scare tactics, tempting us with gimmicky packaged foods void of nutrients.
Consider this: homemade bone broth chicken soup swapped for boneless, skinless, fat-free chicken breasts that taste like rubber. The latter is stripped of essential nutrients, leaving us shortchanged.
Then there's the rise of fake meats and vegan foods that are highly processed and lacking in nutritional value. Yet, we're often lured in by the allure of celebrity diets, Netflix documentaries, flawed research, media and marketing gimmicks.
Liver and organ meats, often discarded, are the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, hands down. They offer vital nutrients essential for our well-being. I wouldn't say I like the taste of organ meat, so I take a live supplement from https://ancestralnutrition.com.au.
Our modern food system also transports food over long distances, which increases the loss of key nutrients, leaving us with less-than-optimal options.
I don't particularly appreciate walking into an Aussie supermarket and seeing fruit from South America or South Africa. How can it be economical or healthy to transport food over such long distances?
It's time to return to a holistic approach, prioritising natural, whole foods in season. And while supplements may be necessary due to our food's diminished nutritional value, real food should remain the cornerstone of our diet.
3. Toxic Chemicals in Our Food
Let's face it: the food we eat these days is loaded with chemicals, whether we realise it or not, and those "all-natural" claims on the packaging can be deceiving.
Take whole wheat products, for instance. Farmers, pushed to maximise their yields, resort to using desiccation methods. They spray glyphosate (Roundup®) on wheat or other grains before harvesting to speed up the ripening process.
And guess what?
That chemical sticks around no matter how much you rinse or cook the grains. It's like we're eating it straight from the bottle marked poisonous.
Even health food stores struggle to keep their shelves free from chemical-laden products.
And let me tell you, glyphosate wreaks havoc on your immune system and overall health, potentially leading to a slew of digestive issues and chronic diseases.
Moreover, in the U.S. alone, over 10,000 chemicals are lurking in the food supply, many of which raise serious health and overall well-being concerns. [1,2]
According to the Environmental Working Group, most of these chemicals slipped through the regulatory cracks, given the stamp of approval by Big Industry without so much as a second look from the FDA. [3]
It's a wake-up call.
With our food more contaminated than ever, we need supplements to keep our health in check.
4. Processed Foods Are Everywhere
We all try to eat clean, but let's face it, resisting processed foods is like fighting an uphill battle.
Our primal instincts drive us to seek out calorie-dense, mouthwatering foods because, well, our survival used to depend on it.
Back in the day, scarcity was the norm, so our bodies learned to gobble up whatever they could get their hands on.
Blame it on our hormones and biological programming— we are wired to scream, "Feed me!"
So, when you find yourself reaching for that bag of chips or diving into a box of cookies, cut yourself some slack. We've all been there.
Those bloody food manufacturers? They know exactly how to hook us in.
But here's the kicker: those processed goodies? They're basically nutrient wastelands.
Sure, they taste good, but they're robbing your body blind when it comes to essential vitamins and antioxidants.
And let's not kid ourselves—whether it's organic or not, processed junk is still junk. Even that gluten-free, organic pizza is loaded with processed grains that do zilch for your health.
Historically, our guts weren't built to handle this onslaught of processed crap.
No wonder we're seeing a surge in health issues—it's like we're all walking around deprived of the key nutrients our bodies need to thrive.
That's where supplements come in.
With our modern diets falling short on nutrients, its time to beef up our micronutrient intake beyond those outdated RDI amounts.
It's a smart move in a world overrun by junk processed foods.
5. Big Pharma Drugs
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, around 65% of Aussies take at least one prescription drug. [4]
Most medications, including for cholesterol and blood pressure, block the absorption of and deplete multiple nutrients.
These key nutrients are required for optimal health, meaning that a massive part of the population is in a nutrient deficit that they will never crawl out of unless they take the appropriate supplements.
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These grim stats might make you feel like having a healthy diet is mission impossible, but listen up: your body's got some serious resilience.
Believe it or not, your body's a powerhouse when it comes to detoxifying and healing, especially if you're fueling it with the right stuff.
Think about it: your cells are constantly regenerating.
So, when you start pumping your body full of healing nutrients—both from your diet and supplements—magic starts to happen.
And yeah, you can start feeling the difference real quick.
I've experienced this firsthand hands and also seen it with many health coaching clients time and time again.
Relying solely on food to do the heavy lifting just won't cut it. Our modern grub is seriously lacking in the nutrient department and that’s why supplements are essential.